Transforming Retool Queries: Async/Await and Callbacks for Peak Performance


Retool empowers you to create intuitive data-driven applications, and interacting with SQL databases is a fundamental aspect. While traditional JavaScript callbacks could handle asynchronous behaviour, the introduction of async/await offers a cleaner and more readable approach.

The Magic of async/await:

async/await simplifies handling asynchronous operations, eliminating the need for complex nesting of callbacks. Its core function:

  • Declares a function using the async keyword.
  • Uses await within the function to pause execution until a promise resolves.
  • Returns a promise or value once all awaitable operations are complete.

Retool and async/await:

While Retool’s query-triggering functions are inherently asynchronous, async/await enhances your ability to orchestrate multiple queries and process results sequentially:

					async function performAsyncOperations() {
  try {
    // Trigger query 1 and await its results
    const result1 = await qrySelectData1.trigger();

    // Process data from query 1

    // Trigger query 2 based on data from query 1
    const result2 = await qryUpdateData2.trigger({
      additionalScope: { processedData: },

    // Use data from both queries here
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle errors gracefully

  .then(() => console.log('Asynchronous operations completed!'))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));


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While async/await streamlines most common workflows, callbacks offer flexibility for scenarios like conditional execution or manual error handling:

					function triggerQueryWithCallback(callback) {
    onSuccess: (data) => {
      // Process successful query results
    onError: (error) => {
      // Handle errors differently
      callback(null, error);

triggerQueryWithCallback((data, error) => {
  if (data) {
    // Use data from query
  } else if (error) {
    // Handle error


Best Practices

  • Handle Errors: Always include error handling (try...catch) to prevent uncaught exceptions and inform the user.
  • Use Callbacks Sparingly: async/await often suffices; use callbacks for specific needs but maintain readable code.
  • Mind Performance: While await pauses execution, optimize queries themselves for efficiency.
  • Break Down Complex Logic: If necessary, split async code into smaller functions for modularity and testing.

Real-World Example

Use Case: Imagine building a Retool app that allows users to submit orders and update stock levels accordingly.

					async function handleOrderSubmission(orderData) {
  try {
    // Insert order data into orders table
    await qryInsertOrder.trigger({ additionalScope: { orderData } });

    // Calculate new stock level based on order quantity
    const newStockLevel = ...

    // Update stock level in products table
    await qryUpdateStockLevel.trigger({
      additionalScope: { productId: orderData.productId, newStockLevel },

    // Show

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